Besides Hazrat Haleema (RA) Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that is also my mother.?

A. Umme Kusloom
B. Umme-e-Aemon
C. Umme Aqsa
D. None of these

Sulah Hudaibiya signed for how many years?

A. 5 Years
B. 7 Years
C. 10 Years
D. None of these

Which Prophet of Allah had minimum age?

A. Hazrat Adam (A.S)
B. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
C. Hazrat Moosa (A.S)
D. None of these

The relationship of Hazrat Loot (AS) with Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) is?

A. Cousin
B. Brother
C. Nephew
D. None of these

Hazart Amina R.A belonged to tribe ?

A. Banu Qurish
B. Bani Zohra
C. Banu Hashim
D. None of these

The total number of people Migrated to Abyssinia in 613 AD?

A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. None of these


The First SAARC summit was held at______?

(A) New Delhi
(B) Dhaka
(C) Islamabad
(D) Nepal Continue reading

Name the ancient site that’ was the forerunner of the Indus Civilization?

(A) Makli
(B) Kot Diji
(C) Kotla
(D) Pharwala