When Asim Bajwa resigned from his position as the CPEC Authority’s chief?

A. August 1, 2021
B. August 2, 2021
C. August 3, 2021
D. August 4, 2021

Who holds the world record in “Women’s triple jump”?

A. Tatyana Lebedeva
B. Inessa Kravets
C. Yulimar Rojas
D. Olga Rypakova

Which two countries collaborated recently to develop rapid testing for COVID-19 in under 30 seconds?

B. India & UK
C. India & Israel
D. Germany and Italy

Who is the current Leader of the Opposition of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Legislative Assembly?

A. Sardar Amir Altaf
B. Mohtarma Noreen Arif
C. Ch Latif Akbar 
D. Raja Abdul Qayyum Khan

or the Financial Year 2016–2017, Netherlands Emerged as the Second Biggest Investor in Pakistan in terms of FDI. What was the main reason for that?

(A) Netherlands invested heavily in “Wind Power” Plants
(B) They acquired part of ENGRO
(C) They invested heavily in Shipbuilding
(D) They bought a major private bank

What is the shortcut key for page break in MS Word ?

(A) CTRL + Enter
(B) Shift + Enter
(C) Space + Enter
(D) None of these

The literal meanings of the word “Zakat” are____ ?

(A) To pay levis/taxes to the government
(B) To grow or prosper
(C) To assess and recover compulsory levy on all the citizen own
(D) To give alms to the poor

What is meant by Allah’s attribute· “AlBar”?

(A) The Generous
(B) The Glorious
(C) The Aware
(D) The Maker

First (1st) Ashra of Ramazan is called_______?

(A) Ashra-e-Rehmat
(B) Ashre-e-Maghfira
(C) Ashra-e-Nijat
(D) None of these

Which Jewish tribe was expelled from Madinah after the Battle of Badr?

A. Banu Nazir
B. Banu Qaynuqa
C. Banu Quiraiza
D. Banu Aus