Data files are categories as:

A. Files
B. Folder
C. Document
D. None of Above

10% of 20% of 30% is equal to?

A. 0.7%
B. 0.8%
C. 0.5%
D. 0.6%

In the Battle of Uhud, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) selected skilful archers to stay on a mountain (side) under the command of__________?

A. Abdullah bin Zubiar (R.A)
B. Saad bin Abi-Waqas (R.A)
C. Amir Muawiyah (R.A)
D. Hatib bin Abi Balta’ah (R.A)

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 Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is called with the name “Ahmad” in Surah?

A. Ya-Seen
B. Muhammad
C. Saff
D. Muzzammil

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The first invasion under the Leadership of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was?

A. The invasion of Abwa or Waddan
B. The invasion of Buwat
C. The invasion of Safwan
D. The invasion of Dhil-Ushairah

What is the name of lady, whose Father Husband Brother and Son all were Prophets

A. Layya bint Yaqb
B. Hazrat Maryam
C. Hajra
D. Sarah

A young police officer was charged ______the task of transporting the prisoners

(A) For
(B) By
(C) In
(D) With

Change the Voice to the following sentence: “I will have finished that book.”

(A) That book has been finished by me
(B) That book will be finished by me
(C) That book will have been finished by me
(D) None of these

Change from Active to Passive Voice. “She was watching a film.”

(A) A film was being watched by her
(B) A film is being watched by her
(C) A film will be watched by her
(D) A film was watched by her

Find the correct Indirect sentence: Shahid’s brother said to him, “Please wait for me.”

(A) Shahid’s brother asked him to wait for him.
(B) Shahid’s brother suggested him to wait for him
(C) Shahid’s brother said to him to wait for me
(D) Shahid’s brother requested him to wait for him