Thera are 1100 boys and 900 girls in a school. 50% boys and 40% girls are present. The total number of students present are:

A. 53.5%
B. 54.5%
C. 55.5%
D. None of the Above

What is the standard weight of shot ball for women?

A. 5.62 kg
B. 4 kg
C. 5.25 kg
D. 6 kg

If the total strength of a class is 550 and 42% students are willing to attend the class, then how many students are present?

A. 281
B. 251
C. 271
D. 231

If Aslam sold a book in Rs. 118 and he got 50% profit, then the cost price of the book was

A. 78.66
B. 77.66
C. 67.77
D. 79.66

Complete the series.1, 9, 25, 49,_______,121 ?

A. 71
B. 61
C. 81
D. 91

Who introduced the theory of Natural Selection?

A. Darwin
B. Pasture
C. Fleming
D. None of these


Which particle has more penetrating power among these?

A. Alpha Rays
B. Beta Rays
C. Gamma Rays
D. None of these Continue reading

Pakistan National Movement was launched by ?

A. Nawab Waqar ul Mulk
B. Ch. Rehmat Ali
C. Both a and b
D. None of these Continue reading

What is the standard weight of shot ball for men?

A. 5.62 kg
B. 7.26 kg
C. 8.62 kg
D. 5.23 kg

In which game expedite system include?

A. Snooker
B. Tennis
C. Table tennis
D. Rugby