After the Battle of Yermuk, which was won by the Muslims Khalid bin Waleed was removed by the Caliph Umar (RA) from his supreme command. The new Supereme Commander was?

A. Amr bin Al Aas (RA)
B. Abu Ubaydah (RA)
C. Saad bin Abi Waqas (RA)
D. Hazrat Bilal (RA)

The Battle of Sallasil or the Battle of Chains was fought between and the Muslims?

A. Arabs
B. Jews
C. Persians
D. Romans

When Khalid bin Waleed was removed from the service in the rein of Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA)?

A. 14 A.H
B. 15 A.H
C. 16 A.H
D. 17 A.H

The Expedition of al Raji, occurred in the year of the Islamic calendar?

A. 3 A.H
B. 4 A.H
C. 5 A.H
D. 6 A.H

Examples of Ijma as a slurp of Islamic Law?

A. Azan for Juma prayer
B. Compilation of Holy Quran
C. Traweeh prayer
D. All of above


Collection of Holy Quran in the reign of Hazrat Abubakar RA was done by Hazrat Zaid RA between?

A. 11-14 A.H
B. 11-15 A.H
C. 13-16 A.H
D. 12-15 A.H

The book “Kitab al Amwal” (The book of Revenue) was written by ?

A. Imam Bukhari
B. Abu Yusuf
C. Abu Ubaid al Qasim Ibn Sallam
D. Muhammad Al Shaybani