Who wrote the book “Kitab al Kharaj”?

A. Imam Abu Hanifa
B. Imam Shafi
C. Abu Yusuf
D. Muhammad Al Shaybani

Hazrat Ayesha R.A has narrated about how many Ahadiths of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

A. 2200
B. 2210
C. 2400
D. 2260

The most learned wife of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ) was?

A. Hazrat khadija R.A
B. Hazrat Hafsa R.A
C. Hazrat Ayesha R.A
D. Hazrat Maimoona R.A

The marriage between Hazrat Hafsa (RA) and Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) took place in?

A. 1 A.H
B. 2 A.H
C. 3 A.H
D. 4 A.H

Name the Sahabi who narrated maximum number of Ahadis?

A. Hazrat Abu Hurrairah R.A
B. Hazrat Zaid bin Haris R.A
C. Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit R.A
D. Hazrat Ali R.A

Which Surah of the Qur’an contains the word Allah in every verse?

A. Surah Rehman
B. Surah Mujadilah
C. Surah Muhammad
D. None of these

What was the name of town in Israel which was the home of Hazrat Issa (A.S) in his youth?

A. Tal Aviv
B. Haifa
C. Safed
D. Nazareth

The most exemplary administration out of the rightly guided caliphs was that of?

A. Hazrat Ali (R.A)
B. Hazrat Umar (R.A)
C. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
D. None of these

The Khutba of Hajj (Hajj sermon) is delivered in which mosque?

A. Masjid Khaif
B. Masjid Haram
C. Masid-e-Nimra
D. None of these