Mohenjo Daro was founded by Sir John Marshall, also known as ?

A. Graves of Dead
B. Mound of Dead
C. Bodies of Dead
D. Histroy of Dead

Berlin Wall kept East and West Germany divided for 28 years. It was dismantled by East German Gov. on ?

A. Nov 18th 1985
B. Nov 18th 1989
C. Nov 18th 1990
D. Nov 18th 1991

Alexander died in Babylon in ?

A. 310 B.C
B. 315 B.C
C. 320 B.C
D. 323 B.C

In April 1986 the place named CHERNOBYL gained world fame due to ?

A. Tornedo
B. Earthquake
C. Accident in Atomic Reactor
D. Heavy Flood

The currency Euro was launched on ?

A. 1 Jan 1999
B. 1 Feb 1999
C. 1 March 1999
D. 1 April 1999

Sadam Hussain Became President of Iraq in ?

A. 1979
B. 1981
C. 1989
D. 1995


In 1982 the Falklands war was fought between ?

A. Britain and France
B. Germany and Argentina.
C. Britain and Germany
D. Britain and Argentina.


The name of Mesopotamia was changes to Iraq in the year ?

A. 1932
B. 1935
C. 1937
D. 1946


A French economist named Francois Quesnay proposed the concept of Laissez-Faire in the ?

A. 14th Century
B. 15th Century
C. 16th Century
D. 17th Century