Columbia Space shuttle broke up on reentry to Earth on ?

A. Feb 1, 2003
B. March 1, 2003
C. April 1, 2003
D. May 1, 2003

When did Islamic revolution occur in Iran?

A. January 1975 – February 1978
B. January 1978 – February 1979
C. January 1979 – February 1985
D. January 1985 – February 1991

Who led the Iranian revolution in 1979?

A. Ahmad Khomeini
B. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
C. Hassan Khomeini
D. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

Who led the Islamic revolution in Iran?

A. Ahmad Khomeini
B. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
C. Hassan Khomeini
D. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

Before Independence East Timor was being ruled by ?.

A. Indonesia
B. Malaysia
C. Singapore
D. Philippines

Akbar the great ruled the India from ?

A. 1530-1535 A.D
B. 1545-1600 A.D
C. 1556-1605 A.D
D. 1565-1610 A.D

When did the Soviet Union officially dissolve ?

A. 26th December 1990
B. 26th December 1991
C. 26th December 1992
D. 26th December 1993

Iran-Iraq war started in Sept 1980 and ended in ?

A. Aug 1987
B. Aug 1988
C. Aug 1989
D. Aug 1990

Gulf war started in Jan 1991 and stopped in ?

A. Jan 28, 1991
B. Feb 28, 1991
C. March 28, 1991
D. April 28, 1991

1500- Value colossus was the first programmable computer of the world. It was put to use in Dec 1943 in ?.

C. France
D. China