The word ‘Quiz’ was coined by ?

A. Jim Daly Irishman
B. Bernard Smith
C. Rommel George
D. Erwin

The title of Desert Fox was given to ?

A. Manfred Rommel
B. Bernard Montgomery
C. Heinz Guderian
D. Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

The literal meaning of Renaissance is ?

A. Revival
B. Downturn
C. Disappearance
D. Killing

Which of the Following Team is the Runner Up in PSL 6 2021 ?

A. Peshawar Zalmi
B. Islamabad United
C. Multan Sultan
D. Karachi Kings

Who is the Winner of Pakistan Super League 6 (PSL 6) ?

A. Peshawar Zalmi
B. Islamabad United
C. Multan Sultan
D. Karachi Kings

The country famous for Samba dance is ?

A. United States
B. Mexico
C. Brazil
D. Argentina

The first Republican President of America was ?

A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Robert Todd Lincoln
D. Thomas Jefferson