Light is the fastest thing in the Universe. It travels 186,000 ____ per second.

A. feet
B. miles
C. kilometers
D. None of These

The Sumerian Civilization Is Considered To Be The ?

A. Oldest Civilization Of  The World
B. Recent Civilization Of  The World
C. New Civilization Of  The World
D. None of These

Mozambique strait is the broadest strait in the world. It is between ?

A. Indonesia and Malaysia
B. Palk Bay and Bay of Bengal
C. Mozambique and Madagascar
D. Mexico and Cuba

The Cambodian language is a language which has a total number of ?

A. 70 alphabets
B. 72 alphabets
C. 74 alphabets
D. 76 alphabets

Who discovered America in October 1492 ?

A. Vasco da Gama
B. Christopher Columbus
C. Ferdinand Magellan
D. Amerigo Vespucci

The scientist who asserted the earth to be a huge magnet ?

A. Ben Franklin
B. Etienne Lenoir
C. J.J Thomson
D. None Of Above

The scientist who designed the first internal combustion engine used to bum low grade fuel. ?

A. Nicolaus Otto
B. Étienne Lenoir
C. Siegfried Marcus
D. Eugen Langen

Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, dogs only have about ?

A. 5
B. 10
C. 20
D. 40