What was the name of the First War submarine invented by David Bushnell which sank?

A. Little Frog
B. War Turtle
C. Turtle submarine
D. Big Fish


Whose name translates as Emperor of all ?

A. Napoleon III
B. Genghis Khan
C. Hadrian
D. Claudius

What does the name Dracula mean in Romanian ?

A. Son of Romanian
B. Son of Satan
C. Son of the Devil
D. None of These

What creature is the symbol of medicine ?

A. Snake
B. Aunt
C. Fish
D. Scorpio

Nylon was Invented in 1934 what product first used it?

A. Glass
B. Bamboo
C. Pottery
D. Toothbrush

What city is made up of 118 islands?

A. Trieste
B. Chioggia
C. Venice
D. None of These