What was the distress call before SOS ? CODE

A. CQD – Call Quite Danger
B. CQD – Come Quick Danger
C. CQD – Call Quick Danger
D. None of These

Russia has one but the US has at least six what?

A. Places called Moscow
B. Places called Tula
C. Places Called Washington
D. None of These

What is the hole in a pencil sharpener called?

A. Trimmer
B. Chuck
C. Pencil Place
D. None of These

The Afghan Taliban use which colour of flag?

A. White Flag
B. Black Flag
C. White and Black Flag
D. Red Flag

Where was coffee first discovered?

A. Sudan
B. Kenya
C. Ethiopia
D. Uganda

What does Magna Carta literally mean?

A. Super Charter
B. Big Charter
C. Great Charter
D. None of these

Which is the oldest walled city in the world?

A. Bethlehem
B. Jericho
C. Nablus
D. Hebron