Alexander invaded India in Battle of ?

A. Battle of Gaugamela
B. Battle of Issus
C. Battle of the Granicus
D. Battle of the Hydaspes

In 776 BC First Olympic Games were Played in ?

A. Greece
B. Bulgaria
C. Romania
D. Ukraine

Where is the Garden of Five Senses Situated ?

A. Kolkata
B. Chennai
C. New Delhi
D. Mumbai

What is Herodotus known as the father of?

A. Science
B. History
C. Chemistry
D. Physics

Why is Nicolaus Copernicus famous?

A. Astronomy
B. Avionics
C. Aeronautics
D. Aviation

Who is the Father of Physical Chemistry ?

A. Cesare Lombroso
B. Svante Arrhenius
C. Sushrutaa Samhita
D. Albrecht von Haller

Where is the Dal Lake Located ?

A. Ranchi
B. Srinagar
C. Ladakh
D. Jalandhar

Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel belongs to which Party ?

A. Conservative Party
B. Social Democratic Party
C. Free Democratic Party
D. Union and Christian Social Union