What is the national sport of Switzerland ?

A. Skiing
B. Swimming
C. Long Jump
D. Football

What is Tour de France called in France?

A. Cycle Race
B. Le Grande Boucle
C. Motor Cycle Race
D. Giro

Why is the Tour de France Famous?

A. French Cycle Race
B. French Car Race
C. French Motor Cycle Race
D. France Tourism

Parliament of Canada is called ?

A. National Assembly
B. Tshogdu
C. Legislative Council
D. Parliament

William Henry Fox Talbot invented which of the following?

A. Calotype
B. Daguerreotype
C. Collodion process
D. Bellows camera

William Henry Fox Talbot invented which of the following?

A. Photographic paper
B. Daguerreotype
C. Collodion process
D. Bellows camera