During what war was Churchill the Prime Minister of Great Britain?

C. None of These

Where did Jesus Christ was Born?

A. Irtas
B. Bethlehem
C. Dheisha
D. Al Khadar

What is Abyssinia called now?

A. Algeria
B. Ethiopia
C. Burkina Faso
D. Botswana

Which Angel is appointed providing for Food?

A. Hazrat Izrail (AS)
B. Hazrat Israfeel (AS)
C. Hazrat Meekail (AS)
D. Hazrat Gebriel (AS)

The nation of was_______ destroyed by a rain of stones?

A. Hazrat Loot (AS)
B. Hazrat Hood (AS)
C. Hazrat Sahih (AS)
D. None of these

About which act, the Muslims shall be asked first of all, on the Day of Judgment?

A. Salaat (namaz)
B. Fasting (Roza)
C. Hajj
D. Zakat