While migrating from Makkah to Madina the Holy Prophet (PBUH) took refuge in?

A. Thaur Cave
B. Hire Cave
C. Dar-e-Arqam
D. None of these

Name the first written constitution of the world?

A. Treaty of Hudaybia
B. Masaaq-e-Madina
C. Khutaba-e-Hijja-tul Wida
D. None of these

Where is the city of Aleppo located?

A. Turkey
B. Lebanon
C. Syria
D. Iraq

In the First revelation the Holy verse of Surah were cited”?

A. Yaseen
B. Al-Faitha
C. Al-Baqrah
D. Al-Alaq

Petronas Tower is one of tallest building of the World. It is situated in?

A. Shanghai
B. Kuala Lumpur
C. Jakarta
D. Riyadh

The famous Italian scientist Alessandro Volta is renowned for inventing”?

A. Electric Battery
B. Hydrogen Lamp
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

The famous Muslim historian and thinker, ibn Khuldun, was born in?

A. Morocco
B. Egypt
C. Tunisia
D. Iraq

Formosa is the old name of?

A. Cambodia
B. Rhodesia
C. Taiwan
D. Bangkok

Thomas Jefferson was the _________ president of the United States?

A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th

Which of the following river is formed by the confluence of Euphrates and Tigris?

A. Jordon
B. Shatt-al-Arab
C. yarmouk
D. Khabur