The capital city of Zimbabwe is?

A. Mutare
B. Harare
C. Bulawayo
D. Kadoma

Taurus Mountains are a mountain complex located in?

A. Iran
B. Turkey
C. Pakistan
D. Afghanistan

Which of the following districts of Baluchistan contains huge deposits of Copper?

A. Loralai
B. Sibi
C. Khuzdar
D. Chagai

“Gobi Desert” is located in?

A. Pakistan
B. Magnolia
C. Iran
D. Kazakhstan

Echoes are produced due to?

A. Reflection of sound
B. Refraction of sound
C. Diffraction of sound
D. Polarization of sound

Which of the following is a chemical reaction?

A. Rusting of iron
B. Tempering of iron
C. Bending of iron
D. Melting of iron

Green House effect is mainly caused by excess of _____?

A. Carbon dioxide
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Nitrogen
D. Hydrogen sulfide

A gene is a?

A. Sleep inducing drug
B. Unit of heredity
C. Kind of Vitamin
D. Type of body cell

Food is mainly digested in?

A. Large intestine
B. Small intestine
C. Liver
D. Mouth

Metarcarpal bones are located in which part of the human body?

A. Chest
B. Hands
C. Feet
D. Skull