John Logie Baird is known for his invention of?

A. Moblie Phone
B. Laptop
C. Television
D. Radio

Choose the correct meaning of “LIMPID”

A. Calm
B. Relaxed
C. Clear
D. Opaque

Complete the proverb” A rolling stone gathers no_______?

A. grass
B. dirt
C. moss
D. clay

Fill in the blank “The debate adjourned _________ the following week?

A. With
B. For
C. Into
D. To

Complete the idiom “Hell hath no fury like ______?

A. A women scorned
B. A burned woman
C. A woman forgetten
D. A Devil s advocate

Choose the statement with best punctuation “He is to tell the truth a fool”

A. He is to tell the truth, a fool
B. He is to tell the truth: a fool
C. He is, to tell the truth, a fool.
D. He is: to tell the truth, a fool.

Synonym of Eradicate is?

A. Eliminate
B. To forget
C. To forgive
D. Vaildate

Choose the correct Antonym: Oblivion?

A. Insensibility
B. desregard
C. Awareness
D. Indifference

Synonym of implicate is?

A. To instigate
B. Explain
C. To insult
D. To involve

Complete the proverb by filling in the blank “Familiarity breeds______?

A. Friendship
B. Enmity
C. Contempt
D. Bonding