2017 women Wimbledon championship won by?

A. Serena Williams
B. Borzo Catherine
C. Garbine Muguruza
D. None of above

126 years old cold drink which start making alcohol is?

A. Fanta
B. Pepsi
C. Coca Cola
D. 7 Up

Edhi belonged to which city?

A. Hyderabad
B. Lahore
C. Gujrat
D. Bantva

Which sentence is correct?

A. I requested her, kindly to help me
B. I requested her to help me kindly
C. I kindly requested her to help me
D. None of above

Head of boundary commission?

A. Sir Cyril Red Cliff
B. Mountbatten
C. Wavell
D. Lord Clive

The capital of North Korea is?

A. Tokyo
B. Seoul
C. Oslo
D. Pyongyang

First Urdu newspaper of Pakistan was?

A. Imroz
B. Comrade
C. Zamindar
D. None of above

First Viceroy of India?

A. Lord Wavell
B. Lord Mountbatten
C. Lord Canning
D. None of above

Above board person means?

A. Trustworthy
B. Honest
C. Punctual
D. Handsome

Scheveningen beach is located in?

A. Norway
B. Sweden
C. Holland
D. None of above