He told me that he _____ do this work?

A. can
B. could
C. will
D. be

‘To clip the wings’ means?

A. To put weight
B. To put limits
C. To cut the wings
D. Punishment

Birds of a feather _____ together?

A. Enjoy
B. Flunk
C. Flock
D. Fly

In for a penny, in for a?

A. Rupee
B. Pound
C. Dollar
D. Euro

‘To wipe out’ means?

A. End something
B. Eradicate something
C. Help something
D. Win

He went _____ the direction of the police station?

A. in
B. to
C. for
D. by

Synonyms of ‘Despair’?

A. Hope
B. Joy
C. Misery
D. Gullible

Task Manager is a?

A. Software
B. Utility Program
C. Modern Application
D. Printer Guide

Who is the father of internet?

A. Vint Cerf
B. Charles Babbage
C. Dennis Riche
D. Martin Copper

The term which shows that no party is in majority in the parliament?

A. Rest Parliament
B. Hung Parliament
C. Stuck Parliament
D. Shackled Parliament