Badshahi Mosque in Lahore was built by?

A. Akbar
B. Humayun
C. Jehangir
D. Aurangzeb

Marco Polo was a?

A. Poet
B. Psychologist
C. Traveler
D. Physiologist

IMF was formed after Bretton Woods conference in?

A. Dec 27 1944
B. Dec 27 1945
C. Dec 27 1946
D. Dec 25 1945

Al Jazeera is the official news network of which country?

A. Yemen
B. Oman
C. Qatar

Who was the founder of Khaksar Movement?

A. Inayat Ullah Khan Mashriqi
B. Ubaid Ullah Sindhi
C. Abdul Ghaffar Khan
D. None

Jaundice is caused by hepatitis and malaria and turns the skin color into?

A. Green
B. Yellow
C. Pink
D. Burgundy

Lockjaw is a medical condition which is observed in the case of?

A. Diarrhea
B. Cholera
C. Tetanus
D. Malaria

Ornithology is a branch of science that concerns the study of?

A. Plants
B. Birds
C. Amphibians
D. Ants

Select odd one out?

A. Mango
B. Orange
C. Spincach
D. Guava

8 bits are equal to?

A. 1 byte
B. 1 kilobyte
C. 1 megabyte
D. 1 terabyte