Alzheimer is?

A. Bone Disease
B. Ear Disease
C. Skin Disease
D. Neurological Disease

How many times Pakistan won the Blind cricket world cup?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. Never

A toy is sold for Rs 220. What was the cost of the rate of profit was 10% of the cost?

A. 198
B. 200
C. 210
D. 240

Current Hijri year?

A. 1442
B. 1441
C. 1443
D. 1440

In the world of the computer what is used Linux?

A. A malwar
B. An Application
C. A Firmware
D. An Operating System

Which of the following internet search engine was founded by larry page and sergery brin?

A. Yahoo
B. Bing
C. Baidu
D. Google

Battle of Badr was fought in month of?

A. Muharam
B. Zil Haj
C. Ramzan
D. None of These

The Book Jinnah of Pakistan is written by?

A. Sarojini
B. Hector Bolitho
C. Stanley Wolpert
D. Jawaharlla Nehru

When the first general Elections under the 1973 constitution were held?

A. 1976
B. 1977
C. 1978
D. 1979

The first Nuclear Power Plant in Pakistan was established at?

A. Mianwali
B. Lahore
C. Karachi
D. Peshawar