In the epic Ramayana, which bird tried to prevent ravana from carrying Sita Away?

A. vibhishana
B. jatayu
C. Garuda
D. Bhubnga

Who according to the Christianity betrayed?

A. Bamabas
B. Jacob
C. Judas iscariot
D. None of these

Name The Religion Which believe in the Doctrine of Trinity?

A. Christianity
B. Judaism
C. Zoroastrianism
D. Hinduism

who was the first non-Muslim Test Cricketers Players of Pakistan?

A. Wallis Mathias
B. Duncan Sharpe
C. ANtao D Souza
D. Anil Dalpat

Pontius Pilate is an important person in the history of Christianity. Who was Pontinus Pilate?

A. Person who betrayed Jesus Christ
B. Person who sentenced Jesus Christ
C. Roman Prefect of Judea
D. Both B and C

The first Nuclear Power Plant in Pakistan was established at?

A. Mianwali
B. Islamabad
C. Karachi
D. Peshawar

Which of the following was a great Centre of education during the Abbasid Caliphate?

A. Ankara
B. Basra
C. Baghdad
D. Damascus

The famous Notre Dame Cathedral is located in?

A. Paris
B. London
C. Rome
D. Milan

Ethnically Sher shah Suri was a?

A. Pashtun
B. Tajik
C. Turkman
D. Uzbek

Saddam Hussain was the president of?

A. Iran
B. Oman
C. Iraq
D. Italy