If negotiations are to prove fruitful, there must not only be sincerity on each side, but there must also be …… in the sincerity of the other side?

A. faith
B. belief
C. substance
D. certainty

I hate sitting …… him as he always smells of garlic?

A. besides
B. along
C. at
D. beside

Some regions of our country still remain …… to the average man?

A. inaccessible
B. impossible
C. impermeable
D. impenetrable

It …… that Prashant will not be selected for the post?

A. feels
B. looks
C. believes
D. seems

In Bush, Saddam was up …… more than his match.?

A. for
B. into
C. against
D. to

I haven’t seen you …… a week.?

A. within
B. since
C. for
D. from

I listened, but I had no idea what he was …… about.?

A. saying
B. talking
C. telling
D. discussing

The car in which the minister was traveling …… with an accident.?

A. hit
B. drove
C. crashed
D. met

He non cooperative attitude of the members can only …… the image of the society?

A. spoil
B. improve
C. degrade
D. defame

Sonika is quite intelligent but rather ……?

A. idealistic
B. generous
C. lazy
D. optimistic