1024 kilo byte is equal to?

A. 1 Tera byte
B. 1 Giga byte
C. 1 Mega byte
D. Both a & b

Sukarno belongs to?

A. Australia
B. Malaysia
C. Indonesia
D. None of these

When did Rashid Minhas got Nishan-e-Haider?

A. 1982`
B. 1971
C. 1978
D. 1963

Which movement launched first?

A. Swadeshi Movement
B. Khilafat Movement
C. National Movement
D. National Movement

Which country is not the member of ASEAN?

A. Indonesia
B. Malaysia
C. Vietnam
D. Republic of Korea

Which country first of all gave right of vote to woman?

A. New Zealand
B. Finland
C. Switzerland
D. Thailand

CPU stands for?

A. Central processing Unity
B. Central processing Unit
C. Center processing Unit
D. Center Programming Unit

Who is the returning officer of president election?

A. Secretary of Election Commission
B. Cheif Election Commissioner
C. Cheif Justice
D. None of these

Which one is the largest continent of the world?

A. Asia
B. Erupe
C. Africa
D. Australia

Delhi Pact was signed between?

A. Nehru and Yahya
B. Nehru and Jenejo
C. Nehru and Liaqat Ali Khan
D. None of these