Who was Paavo Lipponen?

A. Prime Minister of Sweden
B. Prime Minister of Finland
C. Prime Minister of Estonia
D. Prime Minister of Latvia Continue reading

Shortly after Osama bin Laden’s death, bin Laden s body was buried at?

A. Northern Arabian Sea
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Afghanistan
D. Yemen Continue reading

Which US president gave New World Order at the time of USSR disintegration?

A. Richard Nixon
B. Bill Clinton
C. Bush Senior
D. None of these

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Who is known as the “Conquer of Egypt”?

A. Umar Bin Al Aas (RA)
B. Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas (RA)
C. Hazrat Abu Ubaida Bin al Jarah (RA)
D. None of these

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The fourth world refers to which countries?

A. Chad, South Sudan
B. China, Cuba
C. Somalia, Yemen
D. None of these

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The Iceberg dubbed A-76 in which sea

A. Cortez Sea
B. Baltic Sea
C. Weddell
D. None of these

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Which of the following is not the caretaker prime minister of Pakistan?

A. Balakh Sher Mazari
B. Moin Ul Haq
C. Malik Meraj Khalid
D. None of these

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Slots in spreadsheet whose formula is not exactly copied are classified as

A. Complicate slots
B. Column slots
C. Relative slots
D. Replicate slots Continue reading

John Marshal excavated Mohenjodaro in ?

A. 1920
B. 1921
C. 1922
D. None of these

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Mesopotamia means?

A. Land Between Oceans
B. Land Between Seas
C. Land between two rivers
D. None of these

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