Who was the first child born after migration (hijrat)?

A. Abdul bin Qasim (R.A)
B. Abdul bin Zubair (R.A)
C. Abu Salma (R.A)
D. Abu Zainab (R.A)

What was the age of Hazrat Aisha (R.A) when Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) died?

A. 17 years
B. 18 years
C. 19 years
D. 20 years

Our Holy Prophet (SAW) broke fast (Aftari) with ?

A. Dates
B. Water
C. Milk
D. All of these


The portion of the wall of Ka’ba which is between its door and Hajr-e-Aswad is called?

A. Al multazim
B. Hateem
C. Haram
D. Safar

What does Eid-ul-Fitr mean?

A.Commemorating the prophet (SAW) birth
B. Making special prayer
C. Breaking fast
D. None of these

Third Ashra (last days of Ramadan) is known as?

A. Days of Mercy
B. Days of Forgiveness
C. Days to seek refuge from Hellfire
D. None of these

Second Ashra (second ten days of Ramadan) is known as?

A. Days of Mercy
B. Days of Forgiveness
C. Days to seek refuge from Hellfire
D. None of these

First Ashra (First ten days of Ramadan) is known as?

A. Days of Mercy
B. Days of Forgiveness
C. Days to seek refuge from Hellfire
D. None of these