Which is 12th month of Islamic Calendar?

A. Rabi-us-Sani
B. Rajab
C. Zilhaj
D. Jamadi-us-Sani

Which is 11th month of Islamic Calendar?

A. Ziqa’ad
B. Safar
C. Rabi-uI-Awwal
D. Shawwal

Pakistan Army on launched ‘Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad’ across the country on ____?

A. 21 February 2017
B. 22 February 2017
C. 21 January 2017
D. 22 January 2017

Who was the first person to televise pictures of moving objects?

A. John Logie Baird
B. George Carey
C. C.F. Jenkins
D. Paul Nipkow

Who invented the hydrogen bomb?

A. J. Robert Oppenheimer
B. Edward Jenner
C. Samuel Cohen (
D. Edward Teller

Preserve : Animals ::?

A. Lighthouse : Signals
B. Reservation : Wigwams
C. Orphanage : Institution
D. Vault : Money

Juror : Judge ::?

A. Criminal : Sentence
B. Doctor : Care
C. Umpire : Strikeout
D. Decision : Vacillate

He sits ___ his desk all day ___ his head ___ his hands?

A. on, of, in
B. at, with, in
C. at, with, of
D. above, to, in

Don’t leave your bags the corridor?

A. at
B. in
C. into
D. under