Health__________labels have adorned cigarette packages since 1966 in USA.

A. information
B. note
C. message
D. warning

Some animals have unique___________that allow them to survive in extreme weather conditions.

A. characteristics
B. problems
C. feelings
D. conditions

What was the main__________behind London bombings.

A. aim
B. motive
C. objective
D. purpose

There was an_________response for the marathon.

A. overwhelming
B. overriding
C. excessive
D. extreme

I would really ____________if you could help me out.

A. respect
B. value
C. appreciate
D. regard

A speed limit is the ___________ legal speed that you can travel on the road.

A. highest
B. biggest
C. maximum
D. longest

Ali must have the________to stick to his diet if he wants to lose weight.

A. obstinacy
B. determination
C. decision
D. obligation

Although he had no ____________injuries, doctors found that he was suffering from internal bleeding.

A. outside
B. external
C. outlying
D. exterior

________weight gain or weight loss is not good for your body.

A. Explosive
B. Excessive
C. Expressive
D. Extensive

Water is made up of two __________ , namely oxygen and hydrogen.

A. section
B. aspects
C. solutions
D. elements