In July 1951 Pakistan and France tied for:

A. To open its Embassies
B. Economic Ties
C. Mutual Trade
D. None of these

Marala Barrage has been constructed on ?

A. Indus River
B. Kabul River
C. Chenab River
D. Satluj River Continue reading

The World’s Largest Islamic Country by Population is ?

A. Malaysia
B. Indonesia
C. Sudan
D. Kazakhstan

The amendment in the constitution 1973, FATA was annexed to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province

A. 22nd amendment
B. 23rd amendment
C. 24th amendment
D. 25th amendment

The number of seats reserved for women in National Assembly are ?

A. 60
B. 65
C. 70
D. 75 Continue reading

Basically Booty is the right of ?

A. Allah Almighty and His Prophet (SAW)
B. Who fight for Islam
C. The Poor and Miserable
D. Orphans Continue reading

The Holy Prophet (SAW) said that cleanliness ( طہارت) is the part of ?

A. Islam
B. Touheed
C. Faith
D. Risalat

Who is the current Prime Minister of UK?

A. David Cameroon
B. Boris Johnson
C. Theresa May
D. None of these Continue reading