Accounting equation is defined as

A. Assets = Liabilities + Owners’ Equity
B. Liabilities = Short term liabilities + current assets
C. Liabilities = Fixed assets – current assets                                                            D.  None of these

Current assets include

A. Debtors
B. Stocks
C. Patents
D. Both A and B

Which disease is more common in males than females?

A. Heart Diseases
B. Dementia
C. Colour blindness
D. Herpes

In which continent there is no glacier?

A. Africa
B. Australia
C. Asia
D. North America

Lion’s share of UN’s budget is being spent on

A. Diseases
B. Natural disasters
C. Peace
D. Poverty

When the stock market is down falling called:

A. Bullish
B. Bearish
C. Falling
D. Crashing

Which part of the Central Processing Unit controls the sequence of instructions?

A. CU (Control Unit)
B. AU (Arithmetic Unit)
C. LU (Logic Unit)
D. None of these

Which type memory is directly accessed by the CPU?

B. Auxiliary Memory
C. Primary Memory
D. External memory

A system software which supervises and controls the hardware components of the computer and provides GUI?

A. Operating System
B. MS Office
C. System software
D. Application software

AU in CPU performs which operation

A. Arithmetic operations
B. Logic operations
C. Logical operations
D. All of these options