In which year Simla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan? ·

A. 1960
B. 1966
C. 1972
D. 1988

The Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was dissolved in Year?

A. 1953
B. 1954
C. 1956
D. 1958

Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinated on?

A. December 16, 1951
B. October 16, 1951
C. September 16, 1951
D. November 16, 1951

Pakistan Resolution was moved by?

A. Maulvi Fazlul Haq
B. Maulana Bhashani
C. Maulana Fazau-ur-Rehman
D. Maulana Shibli

Allama Iqbal gave Allah Abad Address in?

A. 1906
B. 1916
C. 1930
D. 1938

Muhammad Ali Jinnah Joined Muslim League in?

A. 1906
B. 1911
C. 1913
D. 1916

Ayub Khan handed over power to General Yahya on?

A. 25th March 1969
B. 25th April 1969
C. 25th October 1969
D. 25th November 1969

Which is word processing software?

A. MS security essentials
B. MS Word
C. MS Windows
D. Linux

Largest network of computers around the world that communicate and share data and information and other sources is called?

B. Website
C. Internet
D. Web page