Which province among the following has Uch Gas fields?

A. Punjab
B. Sindh
D. Balochistan

In which country does the Barura glacier lies?

A. Pakistan
B. China
C. India
D. Nepal

Which city was hit by the earthquake of 1953?

A. Muzaffarbad
B. Quetta
C. Attock
D. Peshawar

Who among the followings discovered the sunspots?

A. Einstein
B. Johannes Kepler
C. Galileo
D. Copernicus

Al-qanun fi al-Tibb is an encyclopedia of medicine in five books written by?

A. Al Farabi
B. Avicenna
C. Ibn e Hazm
D. Jarir Al Tabari

Muhammad Ibn e Zakria Al Razi was a polymath physican, alchemist and philospher from?

A. Iraq
B. Syria
C. Iran
D. Morocco

Asabiyyah, a concept of social solidarity with an emphasis on unity, was given by?

A. Ibn e Khaldun
B. Al Farabi
C. Ibn e Hazm
D. Jarir Al Tabari

World Food Program an organization of the United Nations was created at the behest of?

A. U Thant
B. Dwight Eisnhower
C. J.F Keneddy
D. Kissinger

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum is involved in the synthesis and storage of?

A. Polysaccharides
B. Proteins
C. Lipids

Crude Oil is heated in the furnace up to?

A. 300C
B. 350C
C. 400C
D. 450C