Category Archives: Computer MCQs

To zoom an Excel worksheet, we can use?

A. The mouse pointer in Print Preview
B. The zoom button on the Print Preview toolbar
C. The zoom command on the view menu
D. All of these

To move between the worksheet in a workbook in MS Excel, we can use which of the following shortcut?

A. Alt + =
B. Ctrl + F9
C. Ctrl + Tab
D. Ctrl + Page Up

BIOS is stored in?

A. Hard Disk
C. Flash Memory Chip
D. All of these

Microsoft Windows is the great invention of?

A. Charles Ranlett Flint
B. Paul Allen
C. Bill Gates
D. Both B & C

In MS Office, to have your macro available to all new documents you create, store in?

A. My Documents
B. Quick Access
C. The Normal template
D. The Macro Gallery

A ___________ is a data communication system within a building, plant, or campus, or between nearby building?

D. None of these

Of the following which one is not a search engine?

A. Google
C. Yahoo
D. Linux

Robot is a machine which is controlled by a software contained in a chip, is used in the field of?

A. Manufacturing
B. Military
C. Medical
D. All of these

A hybrid computer?

A. Resembles digital computer
B. Resembles analogue computer
C. Resembles both a digital and analogue computer
D. None of these

What do you see if you hover the mouse over a chart object?

A. Key tip
B. Screen tip
C. Chart tip
D. Chart key