Category Archives: Computer MCQs

Where in Excel address of an active cell is displayed?

A. Status bar
B. Formula bar
C. Name Box
D. Title bar

Selected paragraph up key?

A. Alt + shift + down+ arrow
B. Alt + shift + up arrow
C. Alt + shift + arrow
D. none of these

Hyperlink is?

A. Click on the text and new document close
B. Click on the text and new document open
C. Click off the text and new document open
D. none of these

Date and Time of computer changes from?

A. Control Unit
B. Control panel
C. Control CPU
D. None of these

Half of a bit is known as?

A. Nibble
B. Bit
C. four bits
D. A & C

Nanotechnology refers to?

A. Extremely big technology
B. Different kinds of technology
C. Extremely small technology
D. None of the above

In Which Window Version the option “My computer” introduced?

A. Windows 90
B. Windows 93
C. Windows 95
D. Windows 10

A modern electronic computer is a machine that is meant for _______?

A. Electronic data processing
B. Doing quick mathematical equations
C. Input storage, manipulation of outputting data
D. Performing repetitive tasks

A typical modern computer uses _____?

A. LSI chips.
B. Vacuum Tubes
C. Valves
D. All of these

Which is the largest computer?

A. Mainframe computer
B. Mini computer
C. Micro computer
D. Super computer