Category Archives: Antonyms MCQs

Antonyms MCQs | Past Papers English Mcqs with Answer Keys for written test preparation of all competitive exams in Pakistan, specially PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, UTS, FTS, OTS.

Antonym of “Filthy” is?

A. Clean
B. Grimy
C. Grubby
D. Putrid

The Antonym of “virtue” is?

A. Variable
B. Fraud
C. Crime
D. Vice

Select an Antonym of the word: Tranqil?

A. Serene
B. Turbulent
C. Soft
D. Hard

Antonym of “Jocular” is?

A. Wily
B. Facetious
C. Amusing
D. Solemn

Antonym of “OBSOLETE” is?

A. Obligatory
B. Meticulous
C. Contemporary
D. Obsession

Choose the correct Antonym of: Stringent?

A. Disgrace
B. Counterfeit
C. Lenient
D. Scrupulous

Most appropriate antonym of ‘Selfish’ is?

A. Altruistic
B. Helpful
C. Greedy
D. Courageous

The Antonym of “Pseudonym” is?

A. Real name
B. Famous name
C. Assumed name
D. Mentality

Antonym of ENORMOUS is?

A. Fragile
B. Weak
C. Tiny
D. Soft

Antonym of Anonymous?

A. Incognito
B. Nameless
C. Mystery
D. Signed