Category Archives: English MCQs

#CategoryTest Yourself
1Grammar MCQSTake Quiz
2Preposition MCQSTake Quiz
3Idioms MCQsTake Quiz
4Abbreviation MCQsTake Quiz
5Antonyms MCQsTake Quiz
6Synonyms MCQsTake Quiz
7Sentence Correction MCQsTake Quiz
8Active & Passive Voice MCQsTake Quiz
9Direct & Indirect MCQSTake Quiz

What is the synonym for the Exotic?

A. dull
B. uninteresting
C. Unusual
D. boring

There were no opposition to the new policy by the ‘rank and file’ of the Government.

A. The ordinary members
B. The official machinery
C. The majority
D. The cabinet ministers

Synonym of “BONHAMIE” is?

A. friendliness
B. curriculum
C. Meticulous
D. Insolent

Synonym of “AMNESTY” is?

A. Assistance
B. Security
C. Judicial
D. Pardon