Category Archives: English MCQs

#CategoryTest Yourself
1Grammar MCQSTake Quiz
2Preposition MCQSTake Quiz
3Idioms MCQsTake Quiz
4Abbreviation MCQsTake Quiz
5Antonyms MCQsTake Quiz
6Synonyms MCQsTake Quiz
7Sentence Correction MCQsTake Quiz
8Active & Passive Voice MCQsTake Quiz
9Direct & Indirect MCQSTake Quiz

Choose the correct meaning of the idiom: “To fish in troubled waters.”

A. To benefit from other peoples trouble
B. To indulge in all conspiracies
C. To aggravate the situation
D. To caught fish in disturbed water

Change the voice of the following sentences, “Do you know my father?”

A. Is my father known to you?
B. Did you know my father?
C. Does my father known to you?
D. None

Correct the sentence by using right option, ” I am tired as i am working since morning.”

A. I was working
B. I have been working
C. I had been working
D. I will be working

Synonym of Prohibit?

A. Reprimand
B. Restrict
C. Both
D. None

Synonym of Subsequent

A. Successive
B. Prior
C. Later
D. None


WHO is the abbreviation of ?

A. World trade organization
B. World health organization
C. World human organization
D. None

___________ Climber Has A Sudden Fall

A. Hasty
B. Mountain
C. Fall
D. None

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Meaning of “donkey years”.

A. Very short period
B. Very long period
C. Both
D. None