Category Archives: English MCQs

#CategoryTest Yourself
1Grammar MCQSTake Quiz
2Preposition MCQSTake Quiz
3Idioms MCQsTake Quiz
4Abbreviation MCQsTake Quiz
5Antonyms MCQsTake Quiz
6Synonyms MCQsTake Quiz
7Sentence Correction MCQsTake Quiz
8Active & Passive Voice MCQsTake Quiz
9Direct & Indirect MCQSTake Quiz

Synonym of DEIFY?

A. Flatter
B. Challenge
C. Worship
D. Face

Synonym of HARBINGER:?

A. Messenger
B. Steward
C. Forerunner
D. Pilot

Synonym of VENUE?

A. Place
B. Agenda
C. Time
D. Duration

Synonym of CANDID?

A. Apparent
B. Explicit
C. Frank
D. Bright

Choose the correct meaning of To make clean breast of?

A. To gain prominence
B. To praise oneself
C. To confess without of reserve
D. To destroy before it blooms

Choose the correct meaning of : To make clean breast of?

A. To gain prominence
B. To praise oneself
C. To confess without of reserve
D. To destroy before it blooms

Choose Correct Spelling :?

A. Forcast
B. Forecaste
C. Forcaust
D. Forecast

Choose Correct Spelling?

A. Rigerous
B. Rigourous
C. Regerous
D. Rigorous

Choose Correct Spelling?

A. Palete
B. Palet
C. Palate
D. Pelate

Choose Correct Spelling?

A. Bouquete
B. Bouquette
C. Bouquet
D. Boqquet