Category Archives: English MCQs

#CategoryTest Yourself
1Grammar MCQSTake Quiz
2Preposition MCQSTake Quiz
3Idioms MCQsTake Quiz
4Abbreviation MCQsTake Quiz
5Antonyms MCQsTake Quiz
6Synonyms MCQsTake Quiz
7Sentence Correction MCQsTake Quiz
8Active & Passive Voice MCQsTake Quiz
9Direct & Indirect MCQSTake Quiz

A doctor who treats children is called __________.

A. Pedophile
B. Fatalist
C. Pediatrician
D. Pedagogue

A person who wastes his money on luxury is__________?

A. Luxuriant
B. Luxurious
C. Extravagant
D. Stingy

One who walks on ropes is called ______.

A. Aviator
B. Acrobat
C. Funambulist
D. Upholsterer

One who does not follow the usual rules of social life is called ___________?

A. egoist
B. frank
C. bohemian
D. reveille

A system of government controlled by persons of high intellectual ability is?

A. oligarchy
B. democracy
C. meritocracy
D. theocracy

To run away with a lover is?

A. deceive
B. cheat
C. escape
D. elope

The practice of pretending to have feelings that one does not really have is?

A. treachery
B. villainy
C. hypocrisy
D. inundate

The doctor known as an eye-specialist is?

A. orthodontist
B. orthopedist
C. ophthalmologist
D. obstetrician

An emolument over and above fixed income or salary is?

A. honorarium
B. sinecure
C. prerogative
D. perquisite