Category Archives: English MCQs

#CategoryTest Yourself
1Grammar MCQSTake Quiz
2Preposition MCQSTake Quiz
3Idioms MCQsTake Quiz
4Abbreviation MCQsTake Quiz
5Antonyms MCQsTake Quiz
6Synonyms MCQsTake Quiz
7Sentence Correction MCQsTake Quiz
8Active & Passive Voice MCQsTake Quiz
9Direct & Indirect MCQSTake Quiz

A form of written language for blind people is known as __________?

A. Braille
B. Elysium
C. Epicure
D. Arson

A long poem narrating achievements of a hero or legendary figures is known as ___________?

A. Epic
B. Elegy
C. Ode
D. Sestina

A sad poem usually written to praise and express sorrow for someone who is dead is known as ________?

A. Elegy
B. Oar
C. Sestina
D. Epic

A person who helps another commit a crime is known as ____?

A. Accomplice
B. Amateur
C. Cuckold
D. Changeling

Government by a small group of all powerful persons is known as _________?

A. Dictatorship
B. Monarchy
C. Oligarchy
D. Anarchy

A narrow piece of land connecting two large masses of land is known as ____?

A. Gulf
B. Isthmus
C. Peninsula
D. Continent

The action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats is known as ___?

A. Coercion
B. Conviction
C. Confession
D. Cajolement

A person fluent in two languages is known as _________?

A. Bilingual
B. Bigot
C. Bigamy
D. Brittle

Something that is hard but liable to break easily is known as _______?

A. Brittle
B. Flexible
C. Resilient
D. Supple

A disease spreading from one person or organism to another by contact is known as ________?

A. Contagious
B. Infectious
C. Unanimous
D. Fatal