Category Archives: Islamic Studies MCQs

How many times, the Word ‘Qul’ has been repeated in the Holy Quran?

A. 200 times
B. Under 100 times
C. More then 200
D. 400 times

A person who is liable to pay Zakat is known as?

A. Sahib-e-Taufeeq
B. Sahib-e-Hisaab
C. Sahib-e-Zakat
D. Sahib-e-Nisaab

Who was the commander of infidels in the battle o Uhad?

A. Abu Lahab
B. Abu Sufyan
C. Abu Jahl
D. Utba

The word Jihad means?

A. To insist
B. To find
C. To strive
D. To reach

Which of the following according to the Holy Quran is an unpardonable sin?

A. Lie
B. Jealousy
C. Shirk
D. Theft

The name of cover of Kaaba is_______?

A. Bourda
B. Kiswa
C. Al-Katif
D. Sajjeda

When did the Holly Prophet (S.A.W) perform “Hijat-ul-wada”(The Last Pilgrimage)?

A. 612A.D
B. 622A.D
C. 632A.D
D. 638A.D

How many Sufi orders were established in India for the spread of Islam?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

In which hijri Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) performed hajj?

A. 1st Hijri
B. 9th Hijri
C. 10th Hijri
D. 8th Hijri

Ten Commandments bestowed to which prophet?

A. Solomon
B. Moses
C. Jesus
D. Joshua