Category Archives: PPSC Past Paper Assistant Director Local Govt. & Community Development 2018 Solved MCQs

10 downing street is the official residence of?

A. Queen of England
B. British PM
C. French president
D. American president

who at present holds the office of the chief executive in the Afghan Government?

A. Ashraf Ghani
B. Abdullah Abdullah
C. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
D. None of these

Mustafa kamal pasha was a famous reformer belong to?

A. Spain
B. Turkey
C. France
D. China

Queen Elizabeth 1 was an influential Queen of?

C. Germany
D. France

The Lady finger peak is located in?

A. Pakistan
B. India
C. china
D. Nepal

CANADA’S Capital?

A. ottawa
B. paris
C. toronto
D. bern

In which river of Pakistan are the endangered species blind dolphin found?

A. Indus
B. ravi
C. jhlum
D. none of these

The Arch of Janus is situated in?

A. Italy
B. France
C. Spain
D. Germany

The largest archipelago in the world?

A. Indonesia
B. china
C. Philippines
D. none of these

Blood cells are produced by in the human body?

A. liver
B. heart
C. Bone marrow
D. spleen