Category Archives: PPSC Past Paper Assistant Director Punjab Employees Social Security Institution (PESSI) 2019 Solved MCQs

Which of following agencies regulate Media?


Fill in the Blanks. He told that he _______ do it exactly?

A. Can
B. could
C. would
D. will

WOW! is an?

A. Adverb
B. Adjective
C. Interjection
D. Conjunction

Complete Idiom: Absence makes the heart grow?

A. Close
B. Fonder
C. Near
D. Far

Fill in the blank: A book is known by its?

A. Color
B. Cover
C. Size
D. Price

Pipe dream means?

A. Living hope
B. Impractical wish
C. Most Cherished Dream
D. None of above

Antonym of Gullible is?

A. famous
B. Cunning
C. Astute
D. None of these

Synonym of coagulate is?

A. to melt
B. Solidify
C. Stem
D. None of these

Synonym of apparel is?

A. Rough
B. Skewed
C. Cloth
D. None of these

Tick the antonym of impeccable?

A. Flawed
B. Flawless
C. Contorted
D. None of above