Category Archives: PPSC Past Paper Assistant Director Planning & Development Department-2019 Solved MCQs

Which is the biggest?

A. 3/4
B. 5/6
C. 7/12
D. 7/6

What is the meaning of the Idiom “A wet blanket”?

A. a comfortable thing
B. an unpleasant situation
C. someone presence damps enthusiasm
D. an unwelcome guest

Fish breathe through?

A. Fins
B. Lungs
C. Fail
D. Gills

FATA merge bill was passed in assembly?

A. 11 May 2019
B. 14 May 2019
C. 24 May 2019
D. 25 May 2019

Why do we laugh?

A. to appreciate something
B. to welcome something
C. to express our feeling
D. to mock at someone

Iraq occupied Kuwait in?

A. July 1990
B. August 1990
C. June 1991
D. September 1992

Ganga Plane was burnt by a Kashmir Mujahid at the Airport of?

A. Karachi
B. Rawalpindi
C. Lahore
D. None of these

Fill in the blank: He appealed ______ the court for mercy?

A. about
B. to
C. for
D. on

The shortest key for undo is?

A. Ctrl + U
B. Ctrl + Z
C. Ctrl + O
D. Ctrl + D

“Mintaka Pass” is located on the boundary line of?

A. Pakistan & India
B. China & Bangladesh
C. India & Bangladesh
D. Pakistan & China