Category Archives: PPSC Past Paper Junior Clerk In Punjab Police Department-2018 Solved MCQs

Complete the number series: 2, 6, 18, 54……?

A. 216
B. 148
C. 162
D. 108

Metacarpal bones are found in which part of the human body?

A. Feet
B. Pelvic region
C. Cranium
D. Hands

To apply center alignment, to a Paragraph we can press?

A. Ctrl + S
B. Ctrl + C
C. Ctrl + A
D. Ctrl + E

Who were the champions in the 2018 FIFA World Cup?

A. Cortila
B. Russia
C. United Kingdom
D. France

The term ‘Hung Parliament’ describe a situation in which?

A. Prime Minister deliberately avoids the session of the parliament for a long period
B. Prime Minister has been removed through a vote of no confidence but refuses to step-down
C. No single party has a majority in the house
D. The ruling Party has lot the majority in upper house

Choose the correct meaning of idiom: “A dark horse”?

A. A pure black horse
B. A wicked fellow
C. A Lucky Horse
D. An Unexpected winner

Which poisonous gas produced when coal is burned without enough air supply?

A. Carbon Monoxide
B. Nitrogen Oxide
C. Ammonia
D. Hydrogen

Fill in the blanks: Salma was ill_____ fever?

A. of
B. to
C. with
D. on

Maria bought a laptop at 20% discount on its original price. She sold it with 40% increase on the price she bought. Her percentage of profit on the original price is?

A. 12%
B. 20%
C. 28%
D. 30%

A husband and wife had six married sons and each of them had four children. How many numbers were there in the family?

A. 32
B. 38
C. 42
D. 44