Category Archives: PPSC Past Paper Labour Officer Labour and Human Resource Department 2018 Solved MCQs

Hazrat Amna The Mother Of Our Beloved Prophet Hazrat Muahmmad PBUH was Buried in?

A. Abwa
B. Badar
C. madina
D. makka

A Hyperlink is?

A. A Word Phrase that when clicked displays another document
B. a world wide web
C. A system that employs multimedia
D. None of these

Blood Leaves the heart through arteries The Main artery leaving the left ventricle is called?

A. Aorta
B. Pulmonary
C. Carotid
D. lliac Artery

The first Space shuttle launched by united states on April 12 1981 was named?

A. Discovery
B. Endeavor
C. Columbia
D. Atlantis

In covering a distance of 30 Km Abdul Takes 2 Hours more than Basit. If Abdul Doubles His speed, then he would take 1 hour less than Basit. What is the speed of Abdul?

A. 5 km
B. 8 km
C. 10 km
D. 15 km

Bangladesh separated from Pakistan in December 1971, When did Pakistan Extended Recognition of Bangladesh?

A. December 1973
B. January 1974
C. February 1974
D. March 1974

According to the Constitution of 1973 Prime Minister Elected by?

A. Senate
B. National Assembly
C. Provincial Assembly
D. National Assembly and the Provincial Assemblies

Among the following which is the oldest English Language News Paper of Pakistan?

A. Dawn
B. The News
C. The Nation
D. Daily Times

What is synonym of industries?

A. Successful
B. Hardworking
C. Sensible
D. Labourer

Brad laugh hal has been the venue of some of the most important events in the history of Pakistan and India. in which city is it located?

A. Delhi
B. Dhaka
C. Lahore
D. Karachi