Category Archives: PPSC Past Paper Monitoring Evaluation Assistant/Field Coordinator Punjab Employees Social Security Institution 2019 Solved MCQs

He arrived _____ airport?

A. on
B. at
C. of
D. in

Mark the correct spelling?

A. Biscat
B. Buscut
C. Biscunt
D. Biscuit

Antonym of extravagance is?

A. thin
B. thrifty
C. close
D. stand

Synonym of imbecile is?

A. stupid
B. weak
C. cunning
D. wise

Synonym of colossal is?

A. wide
B. huge
C. spacious
D. none of these

Fill in the blanks. The old man is blind ____one eye.?

A. of
B. in
C. at
D. on

Fastest running memory of a computer is?

A. Registers
B. Cache

Speaker in computer is which type of device?

A. input
B. output
C. storage
D. none of these

Which of following is known as brain of computer?

A. Hard Disk
D. None of these

USB is belong to class of computer devices?

A. Primary generation
B. secondary generation
C. fourth generation
D. None of these