A. China
B. Korea
C. Japan
D. Thailand
A. China
B. Korea
C. Japan
D. Thailand
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A. China
B. Korea
C. Japan
D. Thailand
A. Noun
B. Adverb
C. Pronoun
D. Adjective
A. Indian Ocean
B. Pacific Ocean
C. Artict Ocean
D. Atlantic Ocean
A. United Nation
B. European Union
C. Autonomously
D. African Union
A. 3500
B. 4000
C. 4050
D. 5000
A. Java
B. Serbia
C. Africa
D. None of these
A. Economist
B. Politician
C. Comedian Actor
D. Music Composer
A. Home
B. Heaven
C. House
D. Forest
A. Autogamy
B. Ornithophily
C. Entomophily
D. Anemophily
A. Justice Muhammad Haleem
B. Justice Jawad S Khawaja
C. Justice Muhammad Shahab-U-Din
D. Justice S.A Rahman