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Huge mass of land surrounding by ocean from at least three sides is called?

A. Continent
B. Continental Shelf
C. Sub-Continent
D. Peninsula

A mural is?

A. Any piece of art work
B. Name of a steam Engine
C. Cross breed of a donkey and mare
D. A specie of Poison Activist Organization

OIC is?

A. A Specialized Agency of UN
B. A Regional Muslim Organization
C. An Organization of Muslim State
D. A Human Rights Activist Organization

The Pakistan film “zarqa” became very popular in Pakistan and the Middle East. Who played the character of “zarqa” in the movie?

A. Neelo
B. Musarat Nazeer
C. Zeba
D. None of these

Within six months of Quid-e-Azam’s death, Pakistan’s Constitution Assembly adopted?

A. The first draft of the Constitution
B. Bill of fundamental Rights
C. Objectives Resolution
D. Report on basis Principle

Sikhism is a religion of__?

A. One Guru
B. Three Gurus
C. Five Gurus
D. Ten Gurus

The famous painting “La Gioconda” is better known as?

A. The Last Supper
B. Mons Lisa
C. Madonnah Child
D. Sun Flower

Which operation will you perform to move a block of text in MS Word?

A. Copy and Paste
B. Cut and Paste
C. Paste and Delete
D. Paste and Cut

A red wavy line under a text indicates?

A. Character mistake
B. Grammatical mistake
C. Spelling mistake
D. spacing mistake

What was the launch date of Indian Mission to Moon Chandrayaan-2?

A. 20 August 2019
B. 22 July 2019
C. 6 September 2019
D. 7 September 2019